Rue du Bouclier
The presbytery of the Bouclier church (2 rue du Bouclier).
This house used to accommodate many guests, whether they paid or not. Calvin first lived on his own, then with Idelette de Bure, a widow of the one of the chief Anabaptist revolutionaries, after their wedding in August 1540. This is where he worked on his classes, sermons, publications and on the second Latin edition of his Institutes of the Christian Religion.
In the same courtyard you can discover the Reformed Bouclier church. This parish has inherited the first church established by Calvin in 1538 – a typical example of Calvinist (or Reformed) churches, even if at the time this small « French church » didn't have a place of worship of its own. The present church was built after Louis XVI's « Edict of tolerance » that in 1787 authorized Protestants to come back to Strasbourg.